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Completed development of 70R360 product for Google 30W PD charger and OPPO′s 140W PD charger model

  • 관리자(
  • Date 22.04.15
visibility 2359
Semihow D-pak type HCD70R360 and DFN8*8 type HCFL70R360 super junction MOSFET products received final development approval for Google′s 30W Power Delivery charger and China′s OPPO 140W Power Delivery charger model and started production.

-. Super Junction MOSFET : HCD70R360, HCFL70R360

-. Specification: 700V/11.7A

The IGBT, which is under review for Cuckoo Electronics′ three-pronged induction product, was finally
Final development has been completed on VIVO′s 80W PD India-facing model in China.